Please note: TOM is not responsible for the ticketing of this event
How is creativity changing health and care services? Join us for an immersive learning event and help shape the future of creative health.
Come to either or both days of this two-day event organised in partnership with the Robin Hood Health Foundation, Brighton & Hove City Council, The Old Market and Creative Future. The conference will celebrate achievements in Creative Health since the last More Culture Less Medicine conference five years ago, including the groundbreaking Hera Partnership work supported by Brighton & Hove City Council. What are the pathways forward to make creative health an ever more accessible and inclusive healthcare option?
Fri 14 February: What is Creative Health now? An immersive day for practitioners, policymakers and others working in the fields of arts, health, care and wellbeing (at The Old Market).
Sat 15 February: Creative Health: Researching the future of health and care. What do we know and why does it matter? What next for Creative Health research? (at the Sallis Benney Theatre).
This event is for health and care professionals, social prescribers, creative professionals interested in health, policymakers, commissioners and researchers - and anyone interested in the health and wellbeing benefits of creativity.
Watch our socials for exciting speaker announcements! @HeraPartnership @TOM_Venue
Please note: TOM is not responsible for the ticketing of this event
Locations (only one day takes place at TOM):
Fri 14 February - The Old Market
Sat 15 February - Sallis Benney Theatre
Timings: 09:45-17:00 daily
Tickets: from £10 per day
Age: 18+ only
Presented by The HERA Project in partnership with the Robin Hood Health Foundation, Brighton & Hove City Council, The Old Market and Creative Future